Parent, child, pool and safety!

Families come to the pool. It’s so great to see so many kids at the pool. Whatever – fun, family time or just to kill time. Everyone wants to have fun! And then there is that moment that you want to slap some people!!!

You can easy see like parents leave their kids at the baby pool. On them selves! They think that lifeguards are child minders… or it’s baby pool what could happened? There is one better… My child has arm bands so it’s safe!

Idiots! There’s no other words. That mums or dads going for sauna, steam room or best case just for swim… Or that moment when parent is at the baby pool (because it’s warm) and child goes to big swimming pool.
Please, wise up! Safety first! It doesn’t take long to swallow a little bit of the water or slip and fall under… At the pool your child is your responsibility not Lifeguard’s!
I’m not saying that you need to hold your child all the time. I’m saying that you need to be with your child and care for its safety. Help them or tell them what is safe and what is not.
If you would like to go and use pool for yourself come on your own or bring other adult that can keep an eye on kids.
Parents – wise up and take care for your children safety! Let them enjoy water activities smart!