Sepehr is #MagicSwimmer
Couple years ago through Snowflakes Belfast I got contact from Barmak. Sepehr’s dad that wanted his son learn how to swim. It was a huge challenge for boy being on spectrum.
We’ve started as usual- building confidence, getting used to new environment. Finnally little glides, dives, swims. From very beginning it was very different experience. Sepehr was 100% in. It was amazing! There wasn’t any space for mistake, or improvisation. Sepehr was so serious and precise that I’ve needed to be very cautious. Everything we’ve done was done perfect, repeated and learnt. When due to age and stage of learning we based on simple moves and then we’re transfering to more complex moves, Sepehr was little bit confused… Why we change a way of movement? When explained he was happy to go but it was difficult to change routines.

It was great thing to work with him. Real challenge was to speed Sepehr up! We swam together, follow each other, single swims and speed drills. Not really getting there. Then, after discussion with Barmak Ive suggested to go to swimming club. Sepehr would need to swim his stroke but had a goal to go faster then other children in group. After couple months Sepehr has won few trophies! It worked!

It’s real pleasure to work with Sepehr. He thought me to keep looking solution out of box. It’s #MagicSwimmer centered approach. At the moment it’s some work with start techniques, using “dolphin” kicks under water and transition to fast stroke.

Commitment, consistency, hard work from Dad and Son gives great results!
Now, I’m pleased that both of them agreed to represent #MagicSwim and #TriathlonNIshop. Sepehr is our #MagicSwimmer! I’d like to thank you both for that opportunity to support you in your journey to greatness!