In coming Year swimrun is coming back! TriathlonNI Team will start at Aquaterra swimrun in France. July is already looking exciting!
After 2018 Swimrun Poland race we realised that it’s something we would love to include in our race calendar! We’ve realised that we miss that unique combination of swim and run without any change over or additional equipment. All ou need you wear on you, swim with/in it and run too! If you need any equipment you carry it through whole race. Hand paddles, fins, pull buoy – from the start until finish line. There are some compulsory stuff – whistle, compass, number bib and swimming cap – you have to have it.
The best part of swimrun is that it’s team sport (though there are solo distances) you start with team partner. Teams are female, male or mixed. It’s all about sport but it’s all about team as well. Working together will take you to finish line! Focusing on your own will take you down and your team mate… Beauty of swimrun is that you run and swim from point to point without changing. On the go you’ve got smooth transitions from run to swim to run to swim to run… You just need to go from start to finish… Simple.
2020 we’ve chosen Aquaterra Swimrun. It’ll take place on 11th of July in Bort-les-Orgues in France. We hope to spend some nice time there. We’ve chosen longest distance – 25km in total with 3.2km of swim with total of 13 of sections (6 swims). It’s beautiful mix of trial runs and lake swims. This time TriathlonNI Team will be represented by Slawek and Maciek. Hopefully that’ll be squad that will work together in future races! We’re going to keep you posted with updates of our preparations, trading and start itself!