Category Archives: TriathlonNI
#GearUp! Programme!
TriathlonNI would like to introduce new programme for Triathletes and all those who would like [...]
What a Year!
This Year is too excited! We race some great events! Sprints, olympic distances and Ironman [...]
I Tri for Snowflakes!
IRONMAN 70.3 and IRONMAN are triathlons that keep you going! They’re goals and dreams for [...]
To start your day
It’s nice beginning of a day. You’ll be energised and ready for your daily challenges. [...]
Off season
Off season is here! It doesn’t mean that you can sit down and do nothing… [...]
When 60 minutes is a luxury!
You don’t have even an hour for your swim? You’re desperate to work out anyway? [...]
Work-out of the week!
60 minutes session for busy people. Make it your session of the week!