Please read all these terms and conditions carefully. By placing an order, you are entering into a legally enforceable agreement. You must ensure that the terms contain everything you agree with, and if there is anything you’re unsure about, please call us on 07783538894.


  1. These Terms and Conditions apply to the purchase of goods by you (the Customer or you). We are Magic Swim of 60 Skegoneil Avenue, Belfast, BT15 3JP, with email address shop@triathlonnishop.com and telephone number 07783538894 (the Supplier or us or we).
  2. These are the terms under which we sell all goods to you. By ordering any of the goods or services, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. You can only purchase goods from the Website if you are eligible to enter into a contract and are at least 18 years old.


  1. Consumer means an individual acting for purposes which are wholly or mainly outside his or her trade, business, craft, or profession.
  2. Contract means the legally-binding agreement between you and us for the supply of the goods.
  3. Delivery Location means the Supplier’s premises or another location where the goods are to be supplied, as set out in the order.
  4. Durable Medium means paper, email, or any other medium that allows information to be addressed personally to the recipient and stored in a way accessible for future reference.
  5. Goods mean the goods advertised on the Website that we supply to you as specified in the order.
  6. Order means the Customer’s order for the goods from the Supplier, submitted through the Website.
  7. Privacy Policy refers to how we handle your confidential and personal information from the Website.
  8. Website means our website www.magicswim.co.uk where the goods are advertised.


  1. The description of the goods is set out on the Website, catalogues, brochures, or other forms of advertisement. There may be minor discrepancies in size and colour.
  2. If goods are made to your specifications, it is your responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the information or specifications you provide.
  3. All goods on the Website are subject to availability.
  4. We may make changes to the goods necessary to comply with applicable law or safety requirements and will notify you of any such changes.

Personal Information

  1. We retain and use all information strictly under the Privacy Policy.
  2. We may contact you via email or other electronic communication methods, and by pre-paid post. You expressly agree to this.

Basis of Sale

  1. The description of the goods on our Website does not constitute a contractual offer to sell. We may reject an order for any reason, and we will try to inform you of the reason without delay.
  2. The order process is set out on the Website. You are responsible for checking the details of your order before submitting it.
  3. A contract is formed only when you receive an email confirmation of the order (Order Confirmation). You must notify us of any inaccuracies in the order. By placing an order, you agree to receive confirmation of the contract via email.
  4. Any quotation is valid for a maximum of [number of days] days unless expressly withdrawn earlier.
  5. No variation of the contract can be made after it has been entered into unless agreed in writing by both parties.
  6. These Terms and Conditions apply to contracts entered into by you as a consumer. If you are entering into a business contract, you must notify us.

Price and Payment

  1. The price of goods and any additional delivery charges are as stated on the Website at the time of the order.
  2. Prices and charges include VAT at the applicable rate at the time of the order.
  3. You must pay by submitting your credit or debit card details with your order. We may take payment immediately or before delivery.


  1. We will deliver the goods to the delivery location by the agreed time or within 30 days of the contract date unless otherwise agreed.
  2. If we fail to deliver on time, you may treat the contract as ended if: a. We refuse to deliver, or timely delivery was essential, or b. You specify a later period, and we fail to deliver within that period.
  3. If you treat the contract as ended, we will return all payments made under the contract.
  4. If you choose not to cancel the order, you are entitled to reject any delivered goods and have payments refunded.
  5. You cannot cancel or reject part of a commercial unit of goods without cancelling or rejecting the whole unit.
  6. We do not generally deliver outside England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands. If we accept an order for delivery outside this area, you may need to pay import duties or other taxes.
  7. You agree we may deliver goods in instalments.
  8. If you fail to take delivery of the goods, we may charge for redelivery.
  9. You become responsible for the goods upon completion of delivery.

Risk and Title

  1. Risk of damage to or loss of goods passes to you upon delivery.
  2. You do not own the goods until full payment is received.

Withdrawal, Returns, and Cancellation

  1. You may withdraw an order before the contract is made without incurring liability.
  2. You have cancellation rights, except for goods made to your specifications or that deteriorate rapidly.
  3. Cancellation rights cease if the goods become inseparably mixed with other items after delivery.

Right to Cancel
40. You can cancel the contract within 14 days without giving any reason.