Category Archives: GearUp

#GearUp with TriathlonNI Shop

You’re thinking about your first triathlon. You’re after your first race and hooked up! Time [...]

What swimming goggles I choose for my triathlon?

First triathlon- swimming goggles. One of the most common questions I hear is: what goggles [...]

What a story!

What a story! I wouldn’t expect such a thing! Everyone knows that I’m optimistic, positively [...]

Carrickfergus Castle Triathlon

24th of June- New date on my calendar as it is the event that I [...]

Training in progress!

New Year in! All the plans set up. Goals are clear! training ongoing!

I hate training… I hate running

Wake up in the morning when everyone else is sleeping. I go out in the [...]

Season 2018

Beginning of the Year. Time for 2018 plans!

We are TriathlonNI Team

I always wanted to run programme for tri-enthusiasts, athletes that just love to tri but [...]

#GearUpLive is back!

#GearUpLive will be back on 2nd of November! 9:30pm.