Category Archives: BeMagic!

#beMagicLive August’17

#beMagicLive will be on the air again 17th of August at 9:30pm! We’ll talk about [...]

#beMagicLive July’17

Yes! #beMagicLive is back! It’s great to see that there are people interested in what [...]


April is coming it’s #AutismAwarenessMonth and 4th edition of #beMagicLive Q&A with Ashleigh Spence from [...]


Every third Thursday of the month, 9:30pm, @MagicSwim on Facebook. Live questions& answers!

#beMagic swimming programme for Snowflakes Belfast

I’m delighted to announce that #beMagic swimming programme is starting on Saturday the 18th of [...]

#GearUp! Programme!

TriathlonNI would like to introduce new programme for Triathletes and all those who would like [...]

I Tri for Snowflakes!

IRONMAN 70.3 and IRONMAN are triathlons that keep you going! They’re goals and dreams for [...]

Login into your success!

First step is done! Decision made. Race chosen! Time for training… Where to start? Well, [...]

BeMagic! programme welcomes Snowflakes Belfast!!!

Be Magic C.I.C. is delaighted to announce and welcome Snowflakes Belfast in #beMagic! Programme!